Plan & grade in minutes,
not over the weekend

Create Curriculum

Lesson plan faster than ever.

Save time by generating aligned assessments, sentence starters, warm ups, and more.

Free GPT-4 Access

Smarter models just work better.

While other providers charge extra for GPT-4, we offer it at no cost, because smarter teachers deserve smarter models.

Upload Your Docs

Provide your own sources.

Increase rigor and ensure standards alignment of existing assignments. Create new ones from reference material.

Save Time Planning

Create new curriculum

Give instructions to our AI to generate new standards aligned curriculum at your fingertips.

Use existing curriculum

Upload existing curriculum to curate activities and connect with our AI grading platform.

Explore AI planning tools

Differentiate by adjusting the lexile of passages. Create literary/informational texts, standards aligned activities, and more.

For Teachers, By Teachers

Our CEO and co-founder is a K-12 educator and is also married to one. He oversaw edtech implementation for his school district. Together with his co-founder, previously of Acorns and Netflix, they share a modest vision for empowering teachers with AI.

Generate Aligned Assessment

Create formative & summative assessments

Create new curriculum, or upload existing lessons, to generate aligned assessments to progress monitor student performance.

Explore varied assessment types

Generate warm ups, exit tickets, multiple choice assessments, short answer quizzes, essays, and performance tasks.

Scaffolds and supports

Support student needs by creating scaffolds & supports like sentence starters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Flashprep different from other AI teaching tools?

Flashprep is standards aligned, ensuring the highest quality for your students. Spend less time figuring out prompts and more time teaching. We use the highest quality models for your students. It's also (soon) tightly integrated with Google Classroom, saving you from manual data entry.